Wednesday 29 September 2010

Just another day at work...

-"So it works? God damnit I want to go to bed..."
-"Wait .. Wait.."
-"It crashed! The damn thing finally crashed!"
-"Wooo!!! I'm off to bed!"
‎"No wait, that was just slow hardware... Stupid old phones"
"Does this look familiar to you? [ ]"
"It's square one."
"Oh wait, we managed to crash it now!
Well it does crash but we have no idea why and we didn't change anything"
"So it's just crashing, for no reason now?"
"Pretty much.."
"You're not going to bed any time soon you know"
"Ok found the real crash.
Problem is it's not giving us any clues.
It only crashes on our 3.1.3, but we don't know why so we can't rule out newer firmware"
"Lemme see that.."

"The error is literally '???' "
"Brilliant.. That's just brilliant.."
"..What are you doing, and why are you holding that bucket?"
"I can't burn down the friggin' company that made this piece of... hardware.. Without gasoline. And that's liquid. Hence. Bucket."
"You do know you're paid by the hour right?"
"Aww maaaan.."

We really need to sort this bug out tomorrow... 



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Friday 17 September 2010

Weekend prep

Imagine that,
As I came into the office Minion cheerfully explained that apparently the birds had only messed my desk and chair up and the rest was left sparkling.
Which is interesting as my desk is the furthest from the window and didn't have any bread on it.
Imagine that.
On questioning Minion had run out of water and couldn't clean it.

Used his jacket to quickly wipe before Boss arrived.
Incidentally Minion had a meeting at that very moment.
Not that the company has any other offices but he disappeared none the less.

Boss came around, had a chat, got to work.
An hour later a megaphone announced we were to come out slowly and surrender.
What the hell?!

Three hours of questioning and demands of the 'victim', Minion came around and bailed us out.
'mistake' my ass.

Heading home. Let's see how Minion gets to work on Monday..

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Wednesday 15 September 2010

We're going to the office

Time to engage myself in blogging again.

I've recently began working at a new office.
Codemonkey is my title now and Java/JavaScript my game.
But nvm that. I recently got a minion.

And oh what fun my minion is. Dedicated, punctual, fast learner. All problems we'll fix in time.

15 September 2010.

Had a slow day, but the bleeding interactive map is finally done.
Minion kept poking at his day-counting exercise.
So far managed to keep making him rewrite it for two weeks. Aiming at a month at least.
Just good practice to understand the debugger as soon as the first script is done!
Can't have him improve too fast just when Boss is coming around. That'd make me look lazy.

He was supposed to vacuum but managed to sneak out. Boss coming tomorrow.
Someone's gonna have to get up at 6am tomorrow to get it done..
Left the window open for minion so he gets some fresh air that early. Let's just hope the storm doesn't make his early cleaning any harder. And that the birds don't notice the bread I ..
Accidentally.. Left just by the window. They'd make such a mess..

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